The Options Committee of Making Kenora Home is proposing the sixth poverty challenge, A Walk in Other’s Shoes. This year, we have asked our local business community to take the challenge.

Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $305 per month, $10.00 per day, or $50.00 for the five-day period. A couple would receive $468 per month, allowing a daily budget of $15.60 or $78.00 for five days.

The budget includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day.

The participants will experience some of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face. It is hoped that the event will raise awareness and break barriers for people living in poverty. The challenge takes place February 16th until February 21st, 2016.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The unseen consequences of feeling like you don't have much on the shelf or limited at best continues to enter into a day ............ the limitations continue to extend into your day to day, not only with what we may not have in the cupboard, but how you'll spend your time.  Got a call from a friend who was in town and wanted to get together, come by as she put it.  I was happy to hear from her, and initially was excited to call back and say yes come by..................I'd love to see you.    Following my enthusiasm came the real question, what would I offer her?  I knew I couldn't offer her the usual cup of tea as I didn't have any or anything sweet to go with it, and while I could explain to her about the 5 day challenge, it brought home the fact that these conditions I'm willing to assume for a few days could have a real impact on those who's lives we're trying to emulate.  How much socializing includes food, or is central to the activity?  The contrast was my challenge for the day which was to go to a potluck or office party with a food dish.

I met the challenge and made what I could have taken, and then invited a friend to join me but think I may have been somewhat embarrassed by my offering.  It was a very skimpy casserole ... a casserole of white rice/ a can of tuna fish, some chopped scallions, and chunks of cheddar cheese.  It was a small dish and a bit sad, but it was my contribution, and to our surprise not so bad.  We had enough and got to laughing during dinner about making a cookbook titled something like 'Great Recipes from Ontario Works' ................. but we didn't have the snacks before or dessert, but perhaps had there been a pop luck supper somewhere last night I would have been more fortunate?

Today I feel blessed as my challenge is to accept an invitation to go out for lunch or supper.  I did open up my card today with real hesitation as my coffee fund is dwindling, and I need to get some personal supplies.  I'd been thinking I could go the span with less, I do have access to some at my work, and have slipped off with a roll of TP ............. (is that cheating?)  I think I would overcome my moral compass if I were truly living on this limited budget and had products available.  I think I might even be arrested for shoplifting if this went on for to long!  

Yesterday in the mail a sample of deodorant arrived attached to the catalogue you could order it from.  Something free!  What a bonus, and something useful, something that would make it possible for me to get something I may really need.  It felt like such a gift ... and it was!

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