The Options Committee of Making Kenora Home is proposing the sixth poverty challenge, A Walk in Other’s Shoes. This year, we have asked our local business community to take the challenge.

Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $305 per month, $10.00 per day, or $50.00 for the five-day period. A couple would receive $468 per month, allowing a daily budget of $15.60 or $78.00 for five days.

The budget includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day.

The participants will experience some of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face. It is hoped that the event will raise awareness and break barriers for people living in poverty. The challenge takes place February 16th until February 21st, 2016.

Friday, February 19, 2016

day 4 and my challenge is to 'buy a lottery' ticket.  Where's the hardship in that, except that I don't have $5.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm think I'll see if I can get someone to go 50/50 on it?  We're getting down to the bone.  I know I've got enough food, and have allocated $1.50 for my coffee in the morning, but leaves me with less then $2.00 for anymore surprises?   But there is the chance I'll win on the ticket, is it an act of blind optimism, or a lack of any common sense?   It's all a mater of perspective?  I'm choosing to belief it's an act of hope, and that I'd rather take a risk no matter the outcome?

I've got the last of my chicken for supper tonight with more rice, smothered in margarine and some sauted kale ... that leaves  a chicken  leg/back for tomorrows lunch.  I'll have  soup with a cheese sandwich for lunch and there's plenty of oatmeal for tomorrow breakfast.  The worry is what remains tomorrow's remaining challenge.
The worry is as it's been all week, will I have enough money to get me through, will it last?

It's a dreary day but I'm headed out to buy my ticket, and also get some exercise, something I've not done for the last few days ................ it's mild and I'm hoping the fresh air and a lottery ticket in my pocket will lift my spirits.

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